Easy Temperature Conversions with Python: A Beginner’s Guide (Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin)

Basic Temperature Conversion Program

This program takes a temperature input from the user, identifies the scale (Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin), and converts it to the other two scales. Let’s break down the code step-by-step.

For higher accuracy in the Kelvin scale use 273.15 instead of 273

x = str(input("Enter in which scale you measured temperature (Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin)? Enter C or F or K: "))
# 160 is 5*32  .... equations are simplified
if x=="C" or x=="c":
    c=eval(input("Enter your temperature in Celsius scale: "))
    print("Celsius :", c,  "\nFahrenheit :", to_fahrenheit,  "\nKelvin: ", to_kelvin)
elif x=="F" or x=="f":
    f=eval(input("Enter your temperature in Fahrenheit scale: "))
    print("Celsius :", to_celsius,  "\nFahrenheit :", f,  "\nKelvin: ", to_kelvin)

elif x== "K" or x=="k":
    k=eval(input("Enter your temperature in Kalvin scale: "))
    print("Celsius :", to_celsius,  "\nFahrenheit :", to_fahrenheit,  "\nKelvin: ", k)


>Firstly the this code takes input from user in which scale user measured the temperature

>Then user asked for another input in which scale they want to convert

  • The user is prompted to enter the temperature scale: ‘C’ for Celsius, ‘F’ for Fahrenheit, or ‘K’ for Kelvin.
  • Conversion Calculations:
  • Depending on the input scale, the program calculates the temperature in the other two scales using the following formulas:

Celsius to Fahrenheit:

\[ F = \frac{9}{5}C + 32 \]

Celsius to Kelvin:

\[ K = C + 273 \]

Fahrenheit to Celsius:

\[ C = \frac{5}{9}(F – 32) \]

Fahrenheit to Kelvin:

\[ K = \frac{5}{9}(F – 32) + 273 \]

Kelvin to Celsius:

\[ C = K – 273 \]

Kelvin to Fahrenheit:

\[ F = \frac{9}{5}(K – 273) + 32 \]

Complete code with some added feature

x = str(input("Enter in which scale you measured temperature (Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin)? Enter C or F or K: "))
# 160 is 5*32  .... equations are simplified
if x == "C" or x == "c":
    c = eval(input("Enter your temperature in Celsius scale: "))
    to_fahrenheit = (9 * c + 160) / 5
    to_kelvin = c + 273
    while to_kelvin < 0:
        print("Temperature cannot be less than absolute zero")
        c = eval(input("Enter your temperature in Celsius scale: "))
        to_fahrenheit = (9 * c + 160) / 5
        to_kelvin = c + 273
    print("Celsius:", c, "\nFahrenheit:", to_fahrenheit, "\nKelvin:", to_kelvin)
elif x == "F" or x == "f":
    f = eval(input("Enter your temperature in Fahrenheit scale: "))
    to_celsius = (5 * f - 160) / 9
    to_kelvin = ((5 * f - 160) / 9) + 273
    while to_kelvin < 0:
        print("Temperature cannot be less than absolute zero")
        f = eval(input("Enter your temperature in Fahrenheit scale: "))
        to_celsius = (5 * f - 160) / 9
        to_kelvin = ((5 * f - 160) / 9) + 273
    print("Celsius:", to_celsius, "\nFahrenheit:", f, "\nKelvin:", to_kelvin)
elif x == "K" or x == "k":
    k = eval(input("Enter your temperature in Kelvin scale: "))
    while k < 0:
        print("Temperature cannot be less than absolute zero")
        k = eval(input("Enter your temperature in Kelvin scale: "))
    to_celsius = k - 273
    to_fahrenheit = (9 * (k - 273) + 160) / 5
    print("Celsius:", to_celsius, "\nFahrenheit:", to_fahrenheit, "\nKelvin:", k)