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Add, Delete, and Update Accounts in Ubuntu from Terminal

Single user account on a shared computer can be a security issue? Using multiple user accounts in Ubuntu is a powerful way to improve both security and workflow organization. Separating work documents from personal files, restricting access to sensitive data for different users, and simplifying collaboration with colleagues. Most importantly, using a single root account […]

Send Desktop notification from pygame

For notification handling we will use plyer library We will add this functionality in our pygame code The complete code import pygame import sys from pygame.locals import * from plyer import notification pygame.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() user_display = pygame.display.Info() width, height = 800, 600 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) background = (255, 255, 255) red = […]

Storing and retrieving data from sqlite with python

For making everything simpler we will use peewee orm with python sqlite3…. First create and connect to our database from peewee import * # SQLite database setup with Peewee db = SqliteDatabase(‘cv_database.db’) class User(Model): username = CharField(unique=True) # Add more user details as needed class Meta: database = db class CV(Model): user = ForeignKeyField(User, backref=’cv’) […]

Pygame Project: Create the simplest digital clock

We will use python datetime module for our clock; We get the current time and separate the time into hour minutes and second. First get the current time Get the time in hour, minute and second Now got our clock time components. It will be like this import datetime current_time = datetime.datetime.now() hour = current_time.hour […]

How to create or remove files or folders using python

The easiest way to create or remove file is using python os module To create file To create folder To remove file To remove folder The consideration. If file already exist when creating file it will show error so we can check if the file already exist or when deleting folder

Save wikipedia article in txt format with python and wikipedia API

For focus based study its essential to get rid of all unnecessary context like wonderful design, and other ui effect. Whats necessary only text like the text book. Wikipedia is one of my most visited website at this time. Though I love the content , i wll love more if its more minimalist.. So there […]

How to prevent text selection in html

Its necessary to prevent text selection when the text is ui feature, to make the webpage more professional. We can prevent the text from selecting by using this in css You cannot select this text You can select this text example code

How to create tooltip in html

Is essential to add tooltip to make web page more professional and understandable The simplest way can we add tooltip is use html inline element <span> We will add the tool in div and tooltip text(tool description) in the span Toll description will be always hide ( display none in css) until the user hover […]

Create your first chat application with Flask and Socketio

We will use socketio for real-time messaging First install our dependency for this application How it will work. Every user will get an unique key. If the the other user submit the other users key that will send the message. its like sending message to unique username The server side code the client side code […]

Ajax example with flask

One of the best ajax applied in real world is username checker. In this example we will check if there is existing username The serverside code The client side code Get the code from github https://github.com/01one/flask-ajax-example