Add, Delete, and Update Accounts in Ubuntu from Terminal

Single user account on a shared computer can be a security issue? Using multiple user accounts in Ubuntu is a powerful way to improve both security and workflow organization. Separating work documents from personal files, restricting access to sensitive data for different users, and simplifying collaboration with colleagues. Most importantly, using a single root account for everyday tasks creates a significant security risk. Accidental data deletion or accidental compromised program installation with root privileges could have devastating consequences.

Adding new user

Set your username.

sudo adduser username

When adding new user you can just add the password and skip other requirements like complete name and address and other things if thats not necessary for you.

Removing user

sudo userdel username

Delete everything of the user including files

sudo userdel -r username

Grant the user sudo privilege ( user can install and and change everything)

sudo usermod -aG sudo username

To remove sudo privilege

sudo deluser username sudo

Update username of a user

sudo usermod -l newname previousname