Add, Delete, and Update Accounts in Ubuntu from Terminal

Single user account on a shared computer can be a security issue? Using multiple user accounts in Ubuntu is a powerful way to improve both security and workflow organization. Separating work documents from personal files, restricting access to sensitive data for different users, and simplifying collaboration with colleagues. Most importantly, using a single root account for everyday tasks creates a significant security risk. Accidental data deletion or accidental compromised program installation with root privileges could have devastating consequences.

Adding new user

Set your username.

sudo adduser username

When adding new user you can just add the password and skip other requirements like complete name and address and other things if thats not necessary for you.

Removing user

sudo userdel username

Delete everything of the user including files

sudo userdel -r username

Grant the user sudo privilege ( user can install and and change everything)

sudo usermod -aG sudo username

To remove sudo privilege

sudo deluser username sudo

Update username of a user

sudo usermod -l newname previousname

How to generate requirements.txt in python

A requirements.txt file is essential for managing Python project dependencies. It ensures everyone working on your project has the correct libraries installed for development and deployment.

The simplest way or automatically generate requirements.txt is using piprequs library. It will generate requairements.txt file based on the imports of your project.

First install the library

pip install pipreqs

Navigate to Your Project
In your terminal, open the root directory of your Python project.
( the folder where your python project script located)

And then run this command

pipreqs .

This tool will scan your project’s codebase for import statements and generate a list of required packages.

Later when you need to install your project dependency then just run

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to add or remove a directory in ubuntu

Creating the directory

mkdir directory_name

If the path is protected we need to use sudo command

sudo mkdir dicrectory_name

Removing the directory

rmdir directory_name

If the path is protected we need to use sudo command

sudo rmdire dicrectory_name

Remove the directory including items permanently

rm -r directory_name


Make sure you understand the commands actions . Then run the command. Because this can delete all the files and delete files.

Delete All Fills of a directory. Open terminal in that directory and run this command

rm -rf *

Or you can specify the path like this

rm -rf ~/Documents/my_folder/*

it will delete all the files of my_folder

Deleting Specific Folder of a Directory

rm -rf my_folder

One of useful deleting feature. Delete files using the file extension like .mp4 or .txt or like this . Open terminal in that directory.

rm -f *.txt

Or you can specify the directory path

rm -f ~/Documents/my_folder/*.txt

Nginx: Essential Commands

Frequently used commands

Install Nginx

sudo apt-get install nginx

Start And Stop Nginx server


sudo systemctl start nginx


sudo systemctl stop nginx

Current Status

sudo systemctl status nginx

Restart And Reload


sudo systemctl restart nginx


sudo systemctl reload nginx

Enable Or Disable

Enable(Start Automatically)

sudo systemctl enable nginx

Disable( Stop automatic Start On booting)

sudo systemctl disable nginx

Completely remove nginx

sudo apt-get purge nginx nginx-common nginx-full

Test Configuration

sudo nginx -t


Add symbolic link

sudo ln -s  /etc/nginx/sites-available/your-server etc /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

Clean cache

sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get autoremove