Storing and retrieving data from sqlite with python

For making everything simpler we will use peewee orm with python sqlite3….

pip install peewee

First create and connect to our database

from peewee import *

# SQLite database setup with Peewee
db = SqliteDatabase('cv_database.db')

class User(Model):
    username = CharField(unique=True)
    # Add more user details as needed

    class Meta:
        database = db

class CV(Model):
    user = ForeignKeyField(User, backref='cv')
    education = TextField()
    work_experience = TextField()
    skills = TextField()
    # Add more fields as needed

    class Meta:
        database = db

# Connect to the database and create tables if they don't exist
db.create_tables([User, CV], safe=True)

Add and retrieve data from the database

from peewee import *
import random

# SQLite database setup with Peewee
db = SqliteDatabase('cv_database.db')

class User(Model):
    username = CharField(unique=True)

    class Meta:
        database = db

class CV(Model):
    user = ForeignKeyField(User, backref='cv')
    education = TextField()
    work_experience = TextField()
    skills = TextField()

    class Meta:
        database = db

# Connect to the database and create tables if they don't exist
db.create_tables([User, CV], safe=True)

# Function to generate random data for a CV
def generate_cv_data():
    education = "Education details here"
    work_experience = "Work experience details here"
    skills = "Skills details here"
    return education, work_experience, skills

# Generate and add data for 100 users
for i in range(1, 101):
    username = f"user_{i}"
    user = User.create(username=username)
    education, work_experience, skills = generate_cv_data()
    CV.create(user=user, education=education, work_experience=work_experience, skills=skills)

# Retrieve data for all users
for user in
    print(f"Username: {user.username}")
    # Retrieve CV for the current user
    cv = CV.get(CV.user == user)
    print(f"Education: {}")
    print(f"Work Experience: {cv.work_experience}")
    print(f"Skills: {cv.skills}")

Fix the issue: If user already exist then update the data

from peewee import *
import random

# SQLite database setup with Peewee
db = SqliteDatabase('cv_database.db')

class User(Model):
    username = CharField(unique=True)

    class Meta:
        database = db

class CV(Model):
    user = ForeignKeyField(User, backref='cv')
    education = TextField()
    work_experience = TextField()
    skills = TextField()

    class Meta:
        database = db

# Connect to the database and create tables if they don't exist
db.create_tables([User, CV], safe=True)

# Function to generate random data for a CV
def generate_cv_data():
    education = "Education details here"
    work_experience = "Work experience details here"
    skills = "Skills details here"
    return education, work_experience, skills

# Generate and add data for 100 users
for i in range(1, 101):
    username = f"user_{i}"
    # Try to retrieve the user. If it doesn't exist, create it.
    user, created = User.get_or_create(username=username)
    education, work_experience, skills = generate_cv_data()
    # If the user already existed, update the CV data
    if not created:
        cv = CV.get(CV.user == user) = education
        cv.work_experience = work_experience
        cv.skills = skills
        CV.create(user=user, education=education, work_experience=work_experience, skills=skills)

# Retrieve data for all users
for user in
    print(f"Username: {user.username}")
    # Retrieve CV for the current user
    cv = CV.get(CV.user == user)
    print(f"Education: {}")
    print(f"Work Experience: {cv.work_experience}")
    print(f"Skills: {cv.skills}")

Add and remove user And also update user data

from peewee import *
import random

# SQLite database setup with Peewee
db = SqliteDatabase('cv_database.db')

class User(Model):
    username = CharField(unique=True)

    class Meta:
        database = db

class CV(Model):
    user = ForeignKeyField(User, backref='cv')
    education = TextField()
    work_experience = TextField()
    skills = TextField()

    class Meta:
        database = db

# Connect to the database and create tables if they don't exist
db.create_tables([User, CV], safe=True)

# Function to generate random data for a CV
def generate_cv_data():
    education = "Education details here"
    work_experience = "Work experience details here"
    skills = "Skills details here"
    return education, work_experience, skills

# Generate and add data for 100 users
for i in range(1, 101):
    username = f"user_{i}"
    # Try to retrieve the user. If it doesn't exist, create it.
    user, created = User.get_or_create(username=username)
    education, work_experience, skills = generate_cv_data()
    # If the user already existed, update the CV data
    if not created:
        cv = CV.get(CV.user == user) = education
        cv.work_experience = work_experience
        cv.skills = skills
        CV.create(user=user, education=education, work_experience=work_experience, skills=skills)

# Function to add a new user
def add_user(username):
    user, created = User.get_or_create(username=username)
    if created:
        education, work_experience, skills = generate_cv_data()
        CV.create(user=user, education=education, work_experience=work_experience, skills=skills)
        print(f"User '{username}' added successfully.")
        print(f"User '{username}' already exists.")

# Function to delete a user
def delete_user(username):
        user = User.get(User.username == username)
        print(f"User '{username}' deleted successfully.")
    except User.DoesNotExist:
        print(f"User '{username}' does not exist.")

# Function to update CV data for a user
def update_cv_data(username, education=None, work_experience=None, skills=None):
        user = User.get(User.username == username)
        cv = CV.get(CV.user == user)
        if education:
   = education
        if work_experience:
            cv.work_experience = work_experience
        if skills:
            cv.skills = skills
        print(f"CV data updated successfully for user '{username}'.")
    except User.DoesNotExist:
        print(f"User '{username}' does not exist.")
    except CV.DoesNotExist:
        print(f"CV data for user '{username}' does not exist.")

# Add a new user

# Delete a user

# Update CV data for a user
update_cv_data("user_1", education="New education details")

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