Pygame Project: Create the simplest digital clock

We will use python datetime module for our clock;

We get the current time and separate the time into hour minutes and second.

First get the current time

import datetime
current_time =

Get the time in hour, minute and second

current_hour = current_time.hour
current_minute = current_time.minute
current_second = current_time.second

Now got our clock time components. It will be like this

import datetime

current_time =

hour = current_time.hour
minute = current_time.minute
second = current_time.second

clock_time = f"{hour}:{minute}:{second}"


The code will print the time

Now if we loop the program in every second it will show the the updated time in every second

import time
import datetime
while True:
	current_time =

	hour = current_time.hour
	minute = current_time.minute
	second = current_time.second

	clock_time = f"{hour}:{minute}:{second}"

We have completed the main structure of our digital clock

Now more improvement and applying to pygame

In the program instead of this line

clock_time = f"{hour}:{minute}:{second}"

we will use this

clock_time = f"{hour:02}:{minute:02}:{second:02}"

because it will always show the time in two digit . for example if the current second is 9 it will show 09

Now our complete code

import datetime
import pygame,sys
from pygame.locals import*



clock_font=pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.get_default_font(), 150)

while game_running:
	# It will run 1 frame per second. So the time will update every second
	for event in pygame.event.get():
		if event.type==QUIT:
	current_time =

	hour = current_time.hour
	minute = current_time.minute
	second = current_time.second

	clock_time = f"{hour:02}:{minute:02}:{second:02}"

You can Get this and also more pygame example from github ( 50+ pygame example)

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