How to show HTML code inside HTML without Rendering

We can show html inside html by using using the html entity
‘<‘ as ‘&lt;’ and the ‘>’ as ‘&gt;’

Normally we use like this in html .

<h1> This is H1 tag </h1>

But it the result renders html and shows like this

This is h1 tag

So will We will use this To prevent the rendering

&lt;h1&gt; This is H1 tag &lt;/h1&gt;

The result

<h1> This is H1 tag </h1>

Now there is a full example which demonstrate this

Copy the code and try by yourself.

<!DOCTYPE html>


<h1> This is H1 tag </h1>
&lt;h1&gt; This is also H1 tag &lt;/h1&gt;



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