Change button text with jQuery

Its essential to change t he button text in some applications . For example Like button. If the current is “Like”, after click on the button it the button text will be “Liked”

jquery makes process efficient.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>

<button class="like-button">Like</button>

        var buttonText = $(this).text();
        if (buttonText === 'Like') {
        } else {


The same example without jquery

<!DOCTYPE html>

<button class="like-button" onclick="toggleLike(this)">Like</button>

function toggleLike(button) {
    if (button.textContent === 'Like') {
        button.textContent = 'Liked';
    } else {
        button.textContent = 'Like';


Copy and run the html code directly here

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